
Kenya Welding School

Welding Equipment, Supplies and Training

Welding Equipment, Supplies and Training

Building Construction

With a rapidly growing economy and an ever-increasing need for skilled labor, Kenya is an ideal place to offer vocational training. 

Why welding? We're glad you asked!

Welding is a life skill that will open doors of opportunity in construction, manufacturing, small business creation and much more. With an immediate need for skilled, certified welders in the area, we believe our welding school will benefit the quality of life for those enrolled, their families and their communities!

You can make a difference. Help us build by contributing to the purchase of land and construction of the school.

Welding Equipment, Supplies and Training

Welding Equipment, Supplies and Training

Welding Equipment, Supplies and Training

Welding School

A building is just a building without the tools of learning.

Our goal is to train certified, career-ready welding professionals. Doing so requires that every student be fully equipped. Welding machines, consumables and safety gear are the basic necessities of a welding shop.

The educational needs of our students will consist not only of basic equipment and supplies; qualified instructors and training materials will also play vital roles in the day-to-day operation of the school.

You can bridge the gap. Join us in the classroom by helping the necessities become reality.